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Sonia is spreading the birthday love!!!

We are honoured to be able to work with Sonia to realize her birthday wish of supporting Link T.O.! Sonia got in touch with us recently and asked if she could work with us for a birthday fundraiser, and we were thrilled to have her support. Please take a look at her heartfelt message below, and if you are interested in donating, please do so via our website!

Thank you, Sonia, for thinking of us, and for generously helping to raise awareness and funds for women, children, and pets, escaping intimate partner violence.

And now, a message from Sonia:

"As my milestone birthday approaches, I find myself reflecting upon just how blessed I am, to be happy, healthy, and surrounded and supported by amazing family and friends.

Being grateful for all that I have, I ask that in lieu of birthday cards or gifts that you might consider a donation to an organization with a cause that is so very worthwhile. Most of you will already know that I am a huge animal lover, and am a pet owner of 5 fury creatures myself. The idea of having to surrender any one of them tears me apart. Often, I find myself saddened and wondering if there is some sort of safe place for a beloved pet to stay in times of peril, during times when a family or individual is experiencing unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances. Research led me to Link Coalition Toronto's Safepet program. Learning more through their website, and from those individuals who have put their vision of spreading awareness of vulnerable people, violence and their pets, has inspired me not only to want to become involved, but to want to help spread awareness that an organization aimed at helping individuals and their pets in crisis does exists."

Donations to Link T.O. go directly to our SafePet program, and to raising awareness of the "link" among domestic violence, child abuse, animal abuse, and elder abuse.

We are currently creating an emergency veterinary care fund for our SafePet animals, in case survivors are not able to pay for those unexpected costs.

To donate, please click here!

To learn more about "the link", please click here!

And if you may be interested in fostering one of our SafePet pets, please click here!

Happy birthday, Sonia!!!

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