Link T.O.'s work profiled on CBC

Last Friday, CBC aired a segment (ffwd to minute 25:00) on our work at Link Coalition Toronto. Specifically, co-founded and Executive Director Hayley Glaholt discussed Link T.O.'s SafePet Program, and the ways in which it is assisting Toronto-area women in leaving their abusers.
We were honoured to have one of our SafePet clients, Taryn, share her story with CBC. In addition to the aired segment, CBC published an article detailing Taryn's story.
Thank you so much to Talia Ricci at CBC and to Taryn for helping us spread our story! We will continue to get the word out about SafePet, so that women know it is an option when planning their exit from abuse.
Support from valued donors allows us to continue providing essential programs in Toronto- such as our SafePet Program. To donate to Link Coalition Toronto, please click here.
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